It takes a village or in our case a community to spread the “YES to AHS”! We have options for you….

  • March 18th - In Person Early Voting

  • March 27th - Absentee Mail-In Ballot Request Deadline

  • April 1st - In Person Election

*plan ahead for Spring Break travel (voting options: Click HERE)

Talk To & Private Message

Everyone you know who supports the ‘YES for AHS’ to GET OUT AND VOTE!

Copy and Paste…

“Hi! Do you have a plan to vote YES for AHS on the April 1st ballot? Make sure your vote counts by voting early, absentee (myvote.wi.gov/en-us/vote-absentee-by-mail) or in person. Help approve the $136.2 million referendum to create a safer environment and better educational opportunities under one roof! 

Pass the word! Share with 5 friends! Vote early so you don’t forget! www.arrowheadyes.com

Spreading the YES! Takes financial backing. Donations will help cover campaign literature, marketing tools, mailers, online ads, and other necessary resources to spread the word to EVERY community member.

What does Arrowhead mean to you?

Share your testimony of how AHS has impacted your and your family.

  • As a law enforcement professional and a father of three future AHS students, one of my greatest fears is having an active shooter incident at one of our schools. Incidents like these destroy lives and shatter communities. The current layout of AHS’ campus presents little resistance to intruders and makes it vulnerable to threats. A new building would provide the safest possible learning environment for our students and faculty.

    Brad P. - Captain with New Berlin Police Department

  • I am an AHS graduate and couldn't wait to move back home to raise my family. There is no better place than Lake Country and I look forward to sending my children to a new & safer Arrowhead.

    Colleen B.

  • I am a prior AHS school board member, for 9 years ending in 2004. My two children graduated from Arrowhead, and at least two of my grandchildren will be attending next. I am highly familiar with the facilities and have firsthand knowledge that they are in dire need of replacement. Our kids deserve a top-level school with great instruction plus safe and pleasant features. The proposed new school and related accommodations are long overdue. Moreover, it is well known that high quality school systems translate to more attractive property values. I urge you to vote YES!

    John G. - Retired engineer and still engaged

  • Having one kid just graduated from AHS and one a senior, that facility is long overdue for a major overhaul. It eerily reminds me of Brookfield East when I graduated in 1983. In my opinion, build a new facility and tear down the old, that’s a 30+ year solution. A huge expenditure but the only thing lacking in our community is a state-of-the-art high school. Having one will raise the desirability of living in our area, along with that comes recruiting top notch teachers, better education, and higher resale value of homes for those whose property taxes help fund it.

    Mark R. - Real Estate Professional


Make a difference TODAY for our future leaders!